Growth Shield Portfolios
of Tucker Asset Management.
Growth Shield Portfolios
of Tucker Asset Management.
Investment Philosophy
At Tucker Asset Management we have always been a proponent of safe money strategies that offer potential for large gains. Our proprietary models offer downside protection and are mathematically driven basing any model changes upon historical data and trends of trading activity. Because of that, these models identify when markets are likely to increase or decrease and identify appropriate entry and exit points. In short, our models are designed to perform well during a bull market and also have built in tactical triggers to safeguard those gains during a bear market.
Investment Philosophy
At Tucker Asset Management we have always been a proponent of safe money strategies that offer potential for large gains. Our proprietary models offer downside protection and are mathematically driven basing any model changes upon historical data and trends of trading activity. Because of that, these models identify when markets are likely to increase or decrease and identify appropriate entry and exit points. In short, our models are designed to perform well during a bull market and also have built in tactical triggers to safeguard those gains during a bear market.
12-18% annual return
Over the past 10 years our models* have averaged a 12% to 18% annual return while providing protection during market declines. To learn more, download the charts and fact sheets below
Contact Tucker Asset Management
Tucker Asset Management
We look forward to getting in touch with you soon.
Littleton, Colorado 80120